Ambassador Program
Interested? Ask your advisor for the Application!
NASC Ambassador Applications are available now!
Your NASC Ambassador will serve as the personal liaison between your council and NASC. While we don’t see any problem with keeping your current ambassador if they will still be at your school, we would love to have a NEW person represent your school and learn about the resources, opportunities, and initiatives offered by NASC. We see this as an opportunity for someone in your council who does not currently hold a leadership position, but you select the student that best fits your needs.
We’re hoping that you will identify your ambassador in time to bring him/her to the NASC State Conference.
While you are not required to bring your Ambassador, there will be a special workshop for them at State
Ambassador Participation may be an option in your regional award criteria.
- 2025/26 NASC Ambassadors at State should attend the special Ambassador workshop.
- Attend 4 Ambassador Meetings via Zoom (Dates and topics TBA. All start at 4 PM.
- Highly encouraged to share NASC provided presentations with your council.
- NASC Ambassadors should attend ALL Zoom meetings (4-5 PM). Meeting dates will be announced after the first 2025-26 Board meeting
- Aug/Sept
- Oct
- Jan
- March
- OPTIONAL DSL Crash Course
- Sign up for the Ambassador REMIND.
- Stay up to date with emails from the NASC Board Members with details about NASC goals, events and deadlines.
- Encouraged to subscribe to the NASC Google Calendar to stay consistent with your reminders for your council.
- Encouraged to follow @nevadastuco on InstagramRepost NASC content to help promote important deadlines and events